Amendments to Danske Invest fund regulations


Danske Invest Fund Management Ltd will amend the regulations of all funds that it manages. The amendments to the regulations of investment funds and special investment funds will take effect on 18 March 2020.

Key changes to the fund regulations:

  • The structure of the fund regulations will be changed such that, going forward, the fund regulations will consist of fund-specific regulations and general regulations.
  • Fund subscription limits will be specified and the fund management company will have the right to redeem the fund units of fund unit holders without a redemption order issued by a fund unit holder in situations specifically defined in the regulations.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, a number of other specifying technical amendments and amendments resulting from regulatory requirements have been made to the fund regulations. The funds’ fees and investment policies will remain unchanged.

The changes will not require any action from customers and will not entail any costs for them, nor will they affect the amount of insurance savings.

The new regulations, taking effect on 18 March 2020, are available on Danske Invest’s website at

For more information about the amendments to the regulations, read Danske Invest’s release.

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