Matti Ahokas (M.Sc., Econ.) has been appointed as Mandatum Group’s new CFO. Jukka Kurki (PhL, SHV), Mandatum’s CFO since 2009, has been appointed as CEO of Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited (Mandatum Life).
In preparation for separation from Sampo Group and the stock exchange listing, Mandatum is dividing Jukka Kurki’s current responsibility area into two separate positions. Kurki will remain responsible for management of the with-profit balance sheet and with-profit business area, in addition to which he will start on 1 October 2023 as CEO of Mandatum Life. Matti Ahokas, who will start as Group CFO at a time to be specified later, is responsible for Mandatum Group's financial management, financing, and investor communication. Jukka Kurki will continue as Mandatum's CFO until Matti Ahokas takes up his position.
Ahokas will join Mandatum Group from the position of Nordea’s Director of Investor Relations. He has long experience in analyzing the banking and insurance sectors and in managerial positions in several Nordic financial companies. Ahokas is also a member of the board of SRV, listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Before his position as Mandatum’s CFO, Jukka Kurki has worked e.g. in Sampo Life as Actuarial Director and in Leonia Life Insurance Company as Chief Mathematician.
Both Kurki and Ahokas report to the Group's CEO Petri Niemisvirta and belong to the Group's management team.
"I am very glad to have Matti’s talent joining the Mandatum team. With his experience and expertise, Matti will significantly strengthen what we do", Mandatum Group’s CEO Petri Niemisvirta says.

(picture source: Aki Rask)

(picture source: Mandatum)
Additional information
Niina Riihelä,Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications, tel. +358 40 728 1548
Petri Niemisvirta, CEO, tel. +358 10 516 7200
Mandatum is a major financial services provider that combines expertise in money and life. The company offers customers a wide array of services covering asset and wealth management, savings and investment, compensation and rewards, pension plans and personal risk insurance. Mandatum offers services to corporate, retail as well as institutional and wealth management customers. At the heart of Mandatum's business success is its skilled personnel, strong brand and proven investment track record.
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