Updates to Mandatum Life’s website’s and web services’ terms of use as of 15 January 2019


The terms of use for Mandatum Life’s website and web services have been revised. The new terms of use will enter into effect on 15 January 2019.

Who does the update apply to?

The updated terms of use apply to the users of Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited’s, Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company’s and Mandatum Life Services Ltd.’s web services, mobile services, website and chat service.

The use of our website and web services requires acceptance of the updated terms of use after their entry into force. By using our website and web services, you automatically accept the terms of use.

New Mandatum Trader service calls for an update to the terms

The terms of use have been updated with the introduction of the Mandatum Trader service. At the same time, we have made the content of the terms of use more coherent.

Read the terms of use

Terms of Use as of 15 January 2019 >> (Link no longer available)
Terms of Use until 14 January 2019 >> (Link no longer available)

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