Mandatum aims for net-zero emissions from its investments

Press releases 28.6.2024 at 02:30 PM EEST

Press release, 28 June 2024, at 2.30 p.m. EEST

Mandatum’s long-term work to reduce the emissions from its investment portfolio continues. The company is committed to support the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from its investments by 2050.

Mandatum’s ambitious sustainability work continues with the company committing to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from its investments to net zero by 2050. To reinforce its goal, Mandatum has joined the international Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative. The initiative is aligned with the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C. The NZAM initiative has been signed by hundreds of major international investors and asset managers who are committed to the goal of net-zero emissions and to support investing aligned with this goal.

As part of the commitment, Mandatum will set interim targets for its emission reductions and draw up a concrete plan for attaining them. The NZAM initiative provides a clear framework for goal setting and reporting.

“Joining the NZAM initiative is an important step in Mandatum’s long-term and ambitious sustainability efforts, supporting our journey towards achieving net-zero emissions from our investments. Central to reducing the emissions from our investments is to promote, through active ownership and engagement, a change in the business models of our portfolio companies and thereby in actual emissions. Mitigating climate change requires measures on a broad front”, says Sari Rajakangas, Head of Responsible Investments at Mandatum.

Mandatum’s operations have been guided by a responsible investment policy since 2011, when the Group started to follow the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. Mandatum has restricted its investments in companies with exposure to fossil fuels and aims to phase out coal (companies that derive more than 5 per cent of their revenue from coal) from direct equity and fixed income investments by 2030 and oil (companies that derive more than 5 per cent of their revenue from oil) by 2040.

More information on Mandatum’s principles for responsible investment and the sustainability of various asset classes is available here: Mandatum’s Responsible Investment Review 2023.


Additional information:

Sari Rajakangas, Head of Responsible Investments

Tel. +358 50 538 9757


Niina Riihelä, SVP, Communications, brand and sustainability

Tel. +358 40 728 1548


Mandatum in brief

Mandatum is a major financial services provider that combines expertise in wealth management and life insurance.Mandatum offers clients a wide array of services covering asset and wealth management, savings and investment, compensation and rewards as well as pension plans and personal risk insurance. Mandatum offers services to corporate, retail, institutional and wealth management clients.At the centre of Mandatum's success are highly skilled personnel, a strong brand as well as a proven investment track record.

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