Mandatum’s long-term strategy is to grow in its capital-light business areas while scaling down the capital-heavy with-profit business in a predictable manner.
Mandatum’s growth strategy is based on its significant market position, strong brand, targeted sales activities, investment success and skilled personnel. The main focus of the growth strategy is on the domestic market, but with institutional clients, we also seek growth outside Finland – especially in Sweden and Denmark. In the area of products and services, Mandatum focuses on improving and cross-utilising its comprehensive product and service offering.
Mandatum’s long-term strategy is to transform the company’s business portfolio by scaling down the capital-heavy with-profit business in a planned and predictable manner, while at the same time growing its capital-light fee-generating business. This long-term strategy has been in place since the early 2000s, when sales of new with-profit solutions were discontinued and we started building growth in capital-light business areas.
For with-profit business, Mandatum’s strategy is to aim for a good investment result with moderate investment risk and to release own funds as its insurance portfolio gets smaller. For capital-light segments, Mandatum’s strategy is to further increase the volume of assets under management and the fee-generating business.
Key elements of the growth strategy in business areas
Institutional and wealth management
Increasing assets under management:
Corporate clients
Exploiting cross-selling opportunities and increasing clients numbers:
Retail clients
Reinforcing key distribution partnerships:
With-profit business
Effective management of the insurance portfolio to generate capital and finance growth initiatives: