Sustainable remuneration

Sustainable remuneration

Integrating ESG aspects into rewards and compensation


In determining criteria for rewards and compensation, Mandatum takes into account how the chosen criteria and achieving them support the company’s values and targets, including responsibility targets. At Mandatum, customer satisfaction has been part of every employee’s and the senior management’s reward and compensation metrics for several years. The business units may additionally have their own ESG criteria. Mandatum’s reward and compensation structure also includes measures to ensure that sustainability risks and adverse sustainability impacts are taken into account in rewards and compensation. For example, employees working in investment management may have STI targets related to the Responsible Investment Policy and the investment portfolio.


Report on pay equality


Each year, Mandatum prepares a report on gender equality, disclosing the average earnings according to gender and the employee’s pay category or position. The report is available on the company’s intranet.
