Sustainability governance

Sustainability governance

Mandatum is committed to developing the sustainability of the Group’s operations and related reporting, targets and their monitoring in accordance with the interests and expectations of the Group’s external and internal stakeholders.

Mandatum plc’s Board of Directors has the responsibility for and ultimate oversight of Group-level sustainability, covering the entire range of environmental (including climate change), social and governance (ESG) aspects. The Board of Directors has appointed an Audit Committee whose duties include supervising Mandatum Group’s sustainability reporting and other sustainability activities. The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors review and approve the Group’s annual Sustainability Report.

The main responsibility for sustainability management rests with the Group CEO. The Group’s SVP for Communications, Brand and Sustainability is in charge of Group-level sustainability and ensures sufficient reporting of sustainability issues to the CEO. Mandatum’s Sustainability Team is responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of Group-level sustainability work under the direction of the SVP for Communications, Brand and Sustainability. It is also responsible for sustainability reporting.

Mandatum has a Sustainability Committee for senior management, which promotes and manages Group-level sustainability in accordance with the strategy. The Group also has a Sustainability Forum tasked with developing and coordinating the Group’s sustainability work at the operational level.


Responsibilities and division of duties in responsible investment


The responsibilities and division of duties in responsible investment at Mandatum are described in the table below.

